Saturday 21 September 2013

Eduardo Recife


Eduardo Recife is an artist, illustrator, graphic designer, and typographer from Brazil. Recife created a website, called Misprinted Type, 
which features his own work, collages, drawings and typefaces. Some of Recife's clients are Entertainment Weekly, HBO, The New York Times and Showtime. Recife does freelance illustration and design for his professional clients, but he sells his personal works to galleries or to individual clients upon request. Recife has been in the design business since the 1990s. I personally like how Eduardo Recife's illustrations appear vintage looking and if you look deeply at each of his pieces they each seem to have a meaning behind them.

I like this illustration by Recife because of the use of colour and overlapping of images. The use of lots of colour on this collage makes it an attractive piece to look at and it caught my eye when looking through all of his work. The irony of writing the French word for blue on a pink background with pink font makes me wonder if there is a hidden message in this piece. The colour palette used to build up this illustration is quite feminine which contrasts with the image of a man in the background. These two opposites - feminine and men, and blue with pink - could be a way of Recife sending the message that opposites attract to make something extraordinary; in this case the collage. The simple background image allows the main collage to stand out and be the first thing the viewer notices. This abstract piece makes me wonder if the man's identity is being kept confidential for a reason. The objects that make an appearance are quite random which gives a quirky edge to this artwork.

I like this collage by Eduardo Recife because there is a lot going on and it can therefore keep your attention for a long time. The title of this piece is Greed and is crossed out possibly suggesting that greed is not good and should be crossed out of everyone's life. Images of coins are also shown in this collage; these relate to the greed theme which makes me think there is a strong message being portrayed through this artwork. I like the way Recife has used images to build up an image of a person; I think this is a clever use of a collage.

I chose this illustration by Eduardo Recife because I thought the way Recife uses floral images in this collage makes it look elegant and sophisticated; to match the woman. The illustration mostly consists of pastel colours which adds a soft feels to the collage and makes the viewer know it is a graceful piece.

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