Thursday 12 September 2013

Graphic Design

 I like this typography picture because I like the idea of using typography to resemble a face. The wind swept effect adds interest to this image. This is one of my favourite typography images that I saw when researching online and I personally think it looks quite realistic. I found this image on the website

I like the way this artist has created a guitar out of the names of music artists. I think it is a unique and effective typography piece and the use of different colours helps key parts of the guitar to stand out. I found this picture on the website

I like the way that this artist has spelt out words to look like a brain. It is a unique and original idea that I would like to try myself. I got this image from the website

This typography picture is my favourite. I love to read magazines which is why I think this image stood out for me. I like the use of bold colours and the collage effect of the picture. I think it is really interesting and I would like to try out making a magazine cover using typography. This image is from

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